A better option is attention management: Prioritize the people and projects that matter, and it won’t matter how long anything takes. Attention management is the art of focusing on getting things done for the right reasons, in the right places and at the right moments.
NYTIMES.COM/ A few years ago during a break in a leadership class I was teaching, a manager named Michael walked up looki...
42% of all employees could be replaced by artificial intelligence
According to the Burning Glass study, about 42% of all employees could one day find themselves replaced by artificial intelligence. By contrast, hybrid jobs are so complex, and rely so heavily on expert judgment calls and “soft” skills like empathy and imagination, that Burning Glass predicts automation could eventually take over only 12% of them.
FORTUNE.COM / If you’ve been looking around for...
How to Govern a Digitally Networked World
Governments built the current systems and institutions of international cooperation to address nineteenth- and twentieth-century problems. But in today’s complex and fast-paced digital world, these structures cannot operate at “Internet speed.”
FORBES.KZ/ Recognizing this, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres last year assembled a high-level panel – co-chaired by Melinda Gates and Al...
Aramco se convierte en la empresa más rentable del mundo
Con una ganancia de casi 100.000 millones de euros en 2018, la petrolera saudí supera el resultado neto de Apple, Facebook y Microsoft juntas
Moody’s ha informado de que la firma alcanzó en 2018 una producción de 13,6 millones de barriles de petróleo al día y que su facturación neta se situó en 227.776 millones de euros. Fitch, por su parte, ha detallado que las ganancias antes de intereses, impu...